Price Gouging on Groceries and Gas

Where we find overlap is that both VP Harris and the DNC Platform call for the end of Price Gouging by large corporations in regards to Gas and Groceries.

Vice President Harris is calling for an end to price gouging, and goes into specifics by proposing the first ever federal ban on price gouging on food. She is proposing penalties for companies who “exploit crises” in an effort to ensure both that the food industry is more competitive and that the American people are not getting taken advantage of.
“I will work to pass the first ever Federal ban on price gouging on food. My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules and we will support smaller food businesses that are trying to play by the rules and get ahead. We will help the food industry become more competitive because I believe competition is the lifeblood of our economy.”
The DNC Platform has called for an end to price gouging on gas and groceries. It provides context for the supply chain issues we faced in the pandemic, but does not go into specifics.
“When the pandemic crushed supply chains, prices for everyday items, from food to gas to airfare, went up. But after supply bottlenecks eased, many companies didn’t lower prices in line with their falling costs… keep calling those companies out for price gouging, and hold them accountable when they don’t pass savings on to consumers. To lower prices, Democrats will also keep working to boost supply, fix supply chains and promote competition, especially for essential items like gas and groceries that families depend on.”
Housing and associated costs

Where we find overlap is that both VP Harris and the DNC Platform call for providing first time home owners a down payment of $25,000 and making sure corporate landlords do not engage in price gouging.

Vice President Harris is calling for the creation of 3 million affordable and new homes and rental for the middle class in order to lower housing costs. She also is ensuring that corporate landlords can not collude with each other to create “artificially high rent prices” while also proposing a policy that provides first time home buyers with $25,000 to help with down payments.
“By the end of my first term we will end America's housing shortage by building 3 million new homes and rentals that are affordable for the middle class ”
“Some corporate landlords collude with each other right to set artificially High rental prices often using algorithms in price fixing software to do it it's anti-competitive and it drives up costs I will fight for a law that cracks down on these practices”
“My Administration will provide first time home buyers with $25,000 to help with the down payment on a new home ”
The DNC Platform proposes a policy that provides first time home buyers with $25,000 to help with down payments and a $10,000 mortgage-relief tax credit to first time homebuyers. It also looks to cut “junk fees” and crack down on corporate landlords who are “gouging tenants” (Pg 24).
Expand[] rental assistance to a half-million new households, including to low-income veterans and young people aging out of foster care. It offers corporate landlords a basic choice for the next two years: either cap rent increases at 5 percent, or lose a valuable federal tax break. It offers a $10,000 mortgage-relief tax credit to first-time homebuyers, and $25,000 in down-payment assistance to buyers from families where no one has ever before owned a home. At the same time, the Administration is going after unfair rental “junk fees,” like fees people are charged just to pay rent online or to receive sorted mail. And, we will crack down on corporate landlords who are gouging tenants, for example by capping the amount they can raise the rent each year; and we will go after negligent landlords who don’t maintain basic habitability standards. We will also crack down on those who violate the Fair Housing Act, and on landlords who discriminate against low-income and minority renters and people with housing vouchers.
Healthcare related costs

Where we find overlap is that both VP Harris and the DNC platform advocate for the cancellation of medical debt.

Vice President Harris is calling for the cancellation of medical debt for millions of Americans along with lowering the cost of prescription drugs such as insulin.
I will work as president with States like here in North Carolina Roy Cooper thank you again to cancel medical debt for more and more Millions more Americans
I'll lower the cost of insulin and prescription drugs for everyone with your support
The DNC platform calls for medicare expansion and also an end to surprise billing related to medical costs. It also advocates for the cancellation of medical debt for millions of Americans.
We support Medicaid expansion, encouraging states to provide health coverage to low-income Americans on the federal government’s tab”
Democrats will expand “no-surprise billing” to include costly ground ambulances; and we’ll keep using antitrust laws to stop hospital, insurance, and Big Pharma mergers that undermine competition and increase health care prices for consumers.
Democrats will keep fighting to ease the burden of medical debt, which makes it harder for millions of Americans to get a mortgage or other loan for the future…Democrats will keep pushing to exclude medical debts from credit scoring entirely.

Where we find overlap is that both VP Harris and the DNC platform advocate for expanding the Child Tax Credit and giving middle class Americans a tax cut through an Earned Income Tax Credit.

Vice President Harris is calling for an expansion of the Child Tax Credit to $6,000 from the current of $5,000. She also is advocating for a Earned Income Tax Credit which would allow for those under a certain income bracket to receive a tax credit.
Under my plan more than 100 million Americans will get a tax cut and we will do this by restoring two tax cuts designed to help middle class and working Americans: the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit
As president I'll not only restore that tax cut but expand it we will provide $6,000 in tax relief to families during the first year of a child's life
The DNC Platform calls for the expansion of the Child Tax Credit as well as an Earned Income Tax Credit. It also will continue to protect those earning less than $400,000 a year and not raise their taxes.
“That’s why we’ll keep pushing to restore the expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit.”
“Democrats will protect everyone earning less than $400,000 a year from any tax increase; and we will fight to protect and expand other tax benefits for working people and families with children.”
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