Agenda 47 vs. Project 2025 - Economy

Removal of governmental employees and replacing with political appointees

Where we find overlap is in their implementation of Schedule F policies from the Trump administration which would allow for career federal workers to be replaced.

Agenda 47 stance on the economy is heavily tied to replacing career employees in the government with political employees. President Trump would “re-issue” the 2020 Executive order, known as schedule F, which is supposed to “remove rogue bureaucrats” or career employees in departments who are seen as leftist or rogue against the President’s agenda. It comes from his plan to “dismantle the deep state” and fix the imbalance of power in this country.

“I will immediately re-issue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively.”

“[W]e will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left's political enemies, which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.”

“I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies. Doesn't work that way—such a public display cannot go on and it's taking place all the time, like with Big Pharma.”
Project 2025’s stance on the economy is heavily tied to replacing career employees in the government with political employees. They agree with President Trump’s 2020 Executive Order regarding schedule F and argue that it must be “reinstituted” in order to bring success to policies and reforms that need to be passed regarding the economy. This is seen through their advocating for career employees in departments such as the office of Secretary, the Chief Financial officers, and the International Trade Association which are critical to our economy be replaced by political employees “on day one” in order to further conservative policies (pg. 665).

“President Trump’s Schedule F proposal 44 regarding accountability in hiring must be reinstituted to bring success”

Reissue Trump’s Schedule F executive order to permit discharge of nonperforming employees

“it is vitally important that an incoming Administration fully staff OS with political appointees, send all existing detailees back to their home bureaus on Day One, and replace those detailees with trusted and knowledgeable career staff on an as-needed basis.”

“political leadership be immediately installed at the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)”

“Many of its advisory committees are populated by activists from organizations openly hostile to conservative principles who use the committees to impede conservative policy. Upon entering office, all such committees should be reviewed regarding whether they are required by statute and abolished if they are not.”

“Ensure senior policy and decision-making positions are always held by political appointees.”

Furthermore, permanent standing teams should be established and staffed by properly aligned political appointees and trusted career staff to analyze and spur action on the following priority policy issues:

Trade and Tariffs

Where we find overlap is in both of their supports for the idea of reciprocal trade policies and in the implementation of tariffs.

Agenda 47 stance on the economy is inextricably tied to the idea of tariffs. Trump has proposed the “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act” which would be similar to the one he passed previously, the United States Reciprocal Trade Act (USRTA). This seeks to hit countries with “the same exact tariff” that they impose on us. Furthermore, he would implement a baseline tariff on foreign products that goes up incrementally. Finally, he wants to add manufacturing jobs in the country. It is important to note tariffs would increase the price of goods across the country.

“Under the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, other countries will have two choices—they’ll get rid of their tariffs on us, or they will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars, and the United States will make an absolute FORTUNE. There will be no more unilateral economic surrender like we’ve done for many many decades. “

“To achieve this goal, we will phase in a system of universal, baseline tariffs on most foreign products. On top of this, higher tariffs will increase incrementally depending on how much individual foreign countries devalue their currency. They devalue their currency to take advantage of the United States, and they subsidize their industries, or otherwise engage in trade cheating and abuse.”

“If India, China, or any other country hits us with a 100 or 200 percent tariff on American-made goods, we will hit them with the same exact tariff. In other words, 100 percent is 100 percent. If they charge US, we charge THEM—an eye for an eye, a tariff for a tariff, same exact amount.”

“President Trump’s America First Trade Policy will replace the current system of punishing domestic producers and rewarding outsourcers with a new system of universal baseline tariffs that rewards domestic production while taxing foreign companies.”

“President Trump’s new Strategic National Manufacturing Initiative will once again cut the trade deficit and bring millions of jobs back to America.”

“President Trump will eliminate unfair trade deals and negotiate better deals for American workers.”

“President Trump also will implement a bold series of reforms to completely eliminate dependence on China in all critical areas, including by prohibiting federal contracts to any American company that outsources to China.”

Project 2025 clearly supports the efforts of President Trump in his past term, specifically the idea of reciprocal trade. They say that “he was right then” and that whoever is the next President should “heed this critical principle” (pg 791). Furthermore, they continue to support policies from the first Trump administration, specifically the United States Reciprocal Trade Act (USRTA) arguing that it would level “the playing field” for many industries. They believe that reducing the trade deficit is important and the USRTA does that. Make no mistake, Project 2025 is an ardent supporter of Trump’s trade policies and vice versa.

“Counter the malign influence of China and other U.S. adversaries”; pg 666 “Enforce agreements vigorously and defend against trade violations”

“Secure access to critical supply chains and technology”

“Enable the private sector to drive innovation and remain globally competitive”

“During his first term, President Donald Trump preached that there can be no free trade without fair, reciprocal, and balanced trade. He was right then, and whoever is the next President in 2025 should heed this critical principle whenever the flag of free trade is waved to prevent the adoption of needed reforms”

“implementation of the USRTA most likely would substantially reduce the U.S. trade deficit while creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs.”

“The passage of the USRTA would go a long way toward leveling the playing field for American farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and workers who are now forced to compete in an intrinsically unfair, unbalanced, and nonreciprocal WTO-MFN system.”


Due to President Trump not releasing an official agenda we can not find any official overlap.

While President Trump has not released an official stance on taxes there are many reports saying that he would eliminate all federal income taxes and replace it with an all tariff policy. This would result in American’s paychecks becoming bigger, but the cost of everyday items would also rise.
Project 2025 stance on taxes is the implementation of a flat tax. It would place American households who earn around $150,000 in a flat tax of 15% and those who earn over that in a 30% flat tax. This means that for families who earn under $90,000 their taxes would be raised from the current Biden Administration tax policy where they pay between 10-12% of their income to 15%. Families who earn $150,000-$364,000 would see their taxes raise from the current percentages of 22%-24% to 30%. Families who earn over $364,000 would see their taxes be lowered from 32-37% to 30%. This is an increase in taxes for the lower class and a significant majority of the middle class, while lowering the amount that the upper class pays. Furthermore, Project 2025 calls for the lowering of the Corporate Tax rate from 21% to 18%. Additionally, it calls for the removal of taxes on drug manufacturers which is supposed to make them “comply with Medicare price controls” (pg 696).

“The Treasury should work with Congress to simplify the tax code by enacting a simple two-rate individual tax system of 15 percent and 30 percent that eliminates most deductions, credits and exclusions. The 30 percent bracket should begin at or near the Social Security wage base”

“The corporate income tax rate should be reduced to 18 percent. The corporate income tax is the most damaging tax in the U.S. tax system, and its primary economic burden falls on workers because capital is more mobile than labor,”

“In addition, intermediate tax reform should repeal all tax increases that were passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act,19 including the book minimum tax, the stock buyback excise tax, the coal excise tax, the reinstated Superfund tax, and excise taxes on drug manufacturers to compel them to comply with Medicare price controls”

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